Do you want to finish a triathlon? Or go faster?

Consisting of three different sports – swimming, biking and running – plus transitions, triathlon can be a daunting sport to learn without having someone there to guide you through the learning experience.

In working with hundreds of triathletes and prospective triathletes, triathlon coach and entrepreneur David Glover realized that there wasn’t a single, reputable “go to” resource to learn about the sport of triathlon.

Well, now there is.

School of Tri and Endurance SportsWelcome to School of Tri®!

School of Tri is your online education resource to learn about and experience the sport of triathlon!

School of Tri material is uniquely presented in our online classrooms where you can access lesson that cover all the different aspects of triathlon. Examples of lessons include: planning your triathlon season, swimming in open water, goal setting, creating a nutrition & hydration plan.

School of Tri classrooms are now at