Become a Better Runner in Your Next Triathlon Becoming a better runner is a top priority with many triathletes. Becoming better isn’t only about speed though. Proper running form plays an important part of becoming a better runner, and, if your form is off, your...
This live presentation is designed to provide you with tangible tips and strategies that you can use to achieve a faster finish in your full or half IRONMAN® distance triathlon. It’s appropriate for both first-time and experienced IRONMAN distance athletes....
“USA Triathlon has issued a set of rules to maintain consistency and order from race to race across the country.” — Not only do you have to train for three different sports in triathlon, but you have to know the rules for each sport plus...
“There is only one thing you have to do in life.” – Brad Rex, race announcer Brad Rex, who I jokingly refer to as my “uncle from California,” dabbles in a lot of different things: cycling, rowing, race announcing, sailing, environmental restoration, etc. Since meeting...
The mountain climber is a warm-up (dynamic) plus core stability exercise for opening up the hip musculature. Throughout this entire exercise you are working the deep abdominal and low back stabilizers. Coach Krista Schultz demonstrates.
Are you feeling stuck at the same consistent running pace and wondering how to become a faster runner? A simple way to become faster is to vary your running speed during your training. Krista Schultz, MEd, CSCS discusses the importance of varying run speed to become a...