In the words of one of my favorite Bikram Yoga instructors, Reggie Meneses: “Move first, think later. It’s very liberating. Avoid paralysis by analysis.”

So what does it mean?

As endurance athletes, we tend to over analyze the simple decisions we need to make.

For example, we debate in our minds questions such as:

  • Do I sign up for this race because my friend PR’s on this course?
  • Should I ride an extra 10 minutes even though I’m finished the ride but my training schedule says I need to ride 10 minutes more?
  • Should I eat X because I heard that a pro eats X?

It’s relatively easy to get stuck in our heads and unable to make a decision.

We become paralyzed in thought as we debate all the possible outcomes and permutations. We spend excessive amounts of time thinking and take no action. No action. Nothing changes. We’re stuck.

As Reggie says, “Move first; think later.”

In others words, don’t over analyze your decisions – just take action.

It may not be the best possible action, but it is action. Done. Move on.
