Move First, Think Later; Avoid Paralysis by Analysis

Move First, Think Later; Avoid Paralysis by Analysis

In the words of one of my favorite Bikram Yoga instructors, Reggie Meneses: “Move first, think later. It’s very liberating. Avoid paralysis by analysis.” So what does it mean? As endurance athletes, we tend to over analyze the simple decisions we need to make. For...
The Top 5 Mistakes that Triathletes Make in IRONMAN Training

The Top 5 Mistakes that Triathletes Make in IRONMAN Training

Since 1997, I have completed 28 IRONMAN-distance races and have coached and trained with hundreds of other athletes training for IRONMAN Triathlons. I’ve had the opportunity to observe (and of course make) a lot of mistakes so I thought it would be helpful for to come...
Learn How to Engage Your Core Muscles

Learn How to Engage Your Core Muscles

The 29 muscles of your core – from the top of your chest to your hips including the front and back – provide the force to stabilize and move the body segments. The following videos with Krista Schultz, MEd, CSCS discuss the core area and show you cues that...
The Mental Training Tactics & Strategies of World Champions

The Mental Training Tactics & Strategies of World Champions

It’s not (just) about doing the physical training. Performing at your personal race best begins well before race day with a race strategy, measurable short-term goals and specific mental training tools. In this special webinar presented for TrainingPeaks, Dave...