How to Write a Useful Triathlon Race Report

How to Write a Useful Triathlon Race Report

When I finished an event in the past like a triathlon or a Spartan Race, I would type up a race report and publish in my blog. The write up talk about things like: my pre-race routine, the chaos of a mass swim start, my nutrition mistakes on the run and trading off...
Some Odd Tips to Improve Your Next Triathlon Race Experience

Some Odd Tips to Improve Your Next Triathlon Race Experience

Racing a triathlon this season? Here are some odd tips for improving for your next race. Trust the Feet in Front of You (or Not) It’s risky, but one way to save energy and increase your average speed during the swim is to find a pair of feet, stick on them like glue,...
The Benefits of Having a Training Partner in Triathlon

The Benefits of Having a Training Partner in Triathlon

Triathlon is not a team event. In fact, it can hardly get any more individualistic than triathlon when it comes to sports. Even runners are part of running or track teams, and swimmers race on teams as well. Because all of the hard work and determination is derived...