6 Ways to Incorporate Family Time with Triathlon Training

6 Ways to Incorporate Family Time with Triathlon Training

Triathlon training is tough on a family. If one parent trains and the other doesn’t have an athletic interest than there can be frustration when the time comes to workout. Or, if both parents are triathletes (or another type of endurance athlete like a marathon...
Try One of Our Favorite Swim Workouts in the Pool

Try One of Our Favorite Swim Workouts in the Pool

Looking for a new swim workout to try in the pool? We want to share one of our favorite freestyle swim workouts with you. We provide the workout in its original form then share ways that you can adapt it to your specific needs: 500 warm-up choice or SKIPS (100 swim /...
Four Tips to Improve Your Swim in a Triathlon

Four Tips to Improve Your Swim in a Triathlon

Swimming is the toughest discipline for many triathletes (unless you come from a competitive swimming background). Learning how to swimming more efficiently (and faster) will leave you feeling less fatigued after the swim and finishing with a faster race time. More...
Training for a Hilly Bike Course in Your Next Triathlon

Training for a Hilly Bike Course in Your Next Triathlon

Thinking about whether or not to sign up for a triathlon with a hilly bike course? Or, maybe you’ve already signed up and are wondering how you’ll training for a hill course when your training terrain is flat. Many athletes avoid races with hilly bike...