Try One of Our Favorite Swim Workouts in the Pool

Try One of Our Favorite Swim Workouts in the Pool

Looking for a new swim workout to try in the pool? We want to share one of our favorite freestyle swim workouts with you. We provide the workout in its original form then share ways that you can adapt it to your specific needs: 500 warm-up choice or SKIPS (100 swim /...
Four Tips to Improve Your Swim in a Triathlon

Four Tips to Improve Your Swim in a Triathlon

Swimming is the toughest discipline for many triathletes (unless you come from a competitive swimming background). Learning how to swimming more efficiently (and faster) will leave you feeling less fatigued after the swim and finishing with a faster race time. More...
Tips for Dealing with 4 Common Mishaps on Triathlon Race Day

Tips for Dealing with 4 Common Mishaps on Triathlon Race Day

This past Saturday and Sunday was the first big race weekend of the 2018 triathlon season with IRONMAN 70.3 races in Oceanside, Florida and Texas. As you prepare for your first (or second) race this year, here are some tips for dealing with four common mishaps on...