Krista and I became good friends with Adelaide and her husband Kennett when we lived in Boulder. She and Krista did a lot of their bike and run training together. Every so often, I’d ride or run along. Kennett was a pro cyclist who was making the transition to...
I first met Amy Charity in the early 2000’s when we both worked in the financial services industry and were both triathletes. She was always strong on the bike. We fell out of touch, and it wasn’t until recently that I learned she had published a book...
When I lived in Virginia and worked full-time at a financial services company, I spent 30-40 minutes in the car each commuting to work. Riding my bike only took an extra 20-30 minutes each way and I was able to get in two hours of riding (round trip). Riding home also...
I love receiving emails from athletes when they self-assess their performance in races and identify opportunities for their next race. I’d like to share an excellent example of how to do this. A 50-54 male triathlete emailed me recently after successfully...
When you commit to racing an IRONMAN or other full-distance triathlon, you know your are in for a long day. However, unlike a long training day where you can stop to buy nutrition at a gas station or stage extra gear and nutrition for later use, you cannot get outside...
Triathlon training is tough on a family. If one parent trains and the other doesn’t have an athletic interest than there can be frustration when the time comes to workout. Or, if both parents are triathletes (or another type of endurance athlete like a marathon...